Preparing for Holocene breaking changes

Preparing for Holocene breaking changes

This page outlines breaking changes related to the Holocene network upgrade for chain operators, and node operators. If you experience difficulty at any stage of this process, please reach out on our discord channel (opens in a new tab).

The Holocene upgrade for Metal L2 is scheduled for Thu 9 Jan 2025 18:00:01 UTC, governance approval (opens in a new tab).

What's included in Holocene

Holocene contains three changes:

  • Holocene block derivation: a set of changes that render the derivation pipeline stricter and simpler, improving worst-case scenarios for the Fault Proof System and Interoperability.
  • EIP-1559 configurability: The elasticity and denominator EIP-1559 parameters become configurable via the SystemConfig L1 contract, allowing the gas target and gas limit to be configured independently.
  • MIPS contract upgrade: Updates to support additional calls made by the new op-program version.

For more information on the Holocene implementation details, please review Holocene specification (opens in a new tab).

For node operators

Node operators will need to upgrade to the respective Holocene releases before the activation dates. Please reach out to your Metal L2 contact for assistance.