Metal L2
Networks and RPC Endpoints

Metal L2 Networks and Public RPC Endpoints

This reference guide provides a listing of the different Metal L2 Networks and public RPC endpoints.


The public RPC URLs provided below are rate limited and do not support websocket connections. If you are experiencing rate limiting issues or need websocket functionality, consider running your own node or signing up for a third-party RPC provider.

Metal L2 Mainnet

Network NameMetal L2
Chain ID1750
Currency Symbol1ETH
Explorer (opens in a new tab)
Public RPC URL (opens in a new tab)
Sequencer URL2 (opens in a new tab)
Contract AddressesRefer to the Contract Addresses page
Connect WalletClick here to connect your wallet to Metal L2 Mainnet (opens in a new tab)

Metal L2 Testnet

Network NameMetal L2 Testnet
Chain ID1740
Currency Symbol1ETH
Explorer (opens in a new tab)
Public RPC URL (opens in a new tab)
Sequencer URL2 (opens in a new tab)
Contract AddressesRefer to the Contract Addresses page
Connect Wallet
  1. The "currency symbol" is required by some wallets like MetaMask.
  2. The sequencer URL is write only.